Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Comment: How "Inside Out" to Distinguish it from the Great Pixar Films?

This is not a simple revision. Instead I want to talk about the finer points of the new animated movie from Pixar and how they clash with the rest of the animated classics of the study.

Inside Out is all about feelings that live in your head. Pixar is a world where creatures personified represent the unique feelings they created to influence our decisions. But in reality, Pixar introduced two worlds: What's in his head, and what is outside.
The world's "human" if that is what you want to call it, is a more boring earth tones based on reality. The design of color palette and the Incredibles character can remember low ". San Francisco, where the film is made, share many of the same tone and atmosphere underground travel, for example.
L '"human" in the head of the world of our hero is much more colorful, fun and frantic. Every emotion moves (happiness, sadness, disgust, anger, and anxiety) and operates in a field of a world without physical limitations and conventional normally imposed by other Pixar films.
What does great Pixar films is their ability to bind to the public nature throughout history. They do this partly through design sets understandable and, above all, credible. Cars, too, a story of cars that run as people, resist the temptation of a world that is constantly challenging gravity, physics, and the small details that usually remain unnoticed.
So it's interesting for a Pixar film Inside Out, where the "rules" is more fluid than ever to see, but in contrast to lookalike "human" world brings us back to reality. It works very well. So good, in fact, you can certainly understand when you ask, "and if you are still not as fast as scenes change without notice in the world."
Although there are two themes throughout the film (and worlds), both follow the same motivation: We will do what is best for Riley. Riley, of course, the star from the inside out and is the head that we spent most of our time on. Strangely, there is no real antagonist in this film, and I think the film would have been even better if Riley had to conquer something more concrete. But that does not mean you can not see the screen less dramatic and surprising. That's because we pay attention to the events taking place in the head, we see the consequences reflected in real time.
A good example is a scene where Riley is video messaging one of his old friends from Minnesota. Riley has difficulty adapting to his new life in San Francisco, so that emotions are not sure what to do, literally. Riley quickly learns that his former place in hockey is full, so get to find out how the emotions respond.
In the end it is fear and anger. Fear Riley wants to protect from damage, while the task is to ensure that life Anger of the right to Riley. Throughout the film, anger seen reading a newspaper with headlines related to what happens in real time. So when Riley realizes that replaces, is the anger that causes the reaction. He rails against his friend and laptop furious.
It is an interesting idea. We are guided by our feelings? Pixar has suggested that human nature impose our will can be described as friends in different chat around a coffee table. And when some of these ideas out there, and Pete Docter said when the joy of "holiday", the results can be especially problematic.
Inside Out wells feelings toward each other as they try to figure out what really serves the best interests of people (in this way, is very reminiscent of Toy Story movie). The resolut

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